Onto happier, knitting related stuff-
I've been kitting off and on on THREE projects at once the past week or so. All are UFOs I found by digging through my knitting bags, and I'm enjoying how different they all are.
The one I've been working on the most is one of the socks I meant to finish during Socktoberfest. I only got through part of the leg before I got sick, but it DID come with me on the cruise. It's a well traveled sock, having been to Puerto Rico, St Thomas, Dominica, Barbados, and Aruba. I didn't get as much time to knit as I would have liked, but I did knit on it one night at the ship's piano bar, which was very soothing. I picked up the sock again, and it's now looking like this:
(It probably looks like I'm knitting naked, but I'm not. I'm wearing boxers and a tank top, because my apartment's heat is always, ALWAYS above BOILING). I got quite a bit done on it today while Andy and I watched Star Wars, and some episodes of Season 9 Stargate SG-1. Here's a close up of the lace:
I'm a little ashamed that my legs are so white, they don't provide much of a background for this sock's lace to be shown.
I've also been working on a scarf in Peace Fleece, that's been meant for Andy's father for about two Christmases now. Oops. Good thing it's a surprise gift, and not an expected one. And my last project has been the never finished Orangina. It needs two inches more of ribbing before it can be seamed (and hopefully worn this summer). Hopefully pictures of those the next time I blog.
While working on all these projects, I've been watching a bunch of things, some new, some old and loved-
Little Miss Sunshine (movie)- Very funny. The first viewing I found depressing till the very end, but the second I cracked up during throughout- it's easier to laugh when you know how it turns out. I loved it.
Stargate SG-1- haven't seen the 9th season, so that's what we're working on. It bugs me how it begins, out of the blue, with Carter not there, Jack not there, Teal'C busy elsewhere, Daniel getting ready to leave...and three new characters. What the fudge...? Just the wrong way to start a new season.
House, MD- New! I love Netflix. I'm starting from the first season, and have enjoyed the first four episodes I've watched. I agree with one quote excessively- "Most of you could be taken care of by a monkey with a bottle of Motrin"- it's what I think most medical residents ARE.
American Idol- I'm watching, but it's the auditions. These both entertain, and annoy me. Blech.
24- Also new! Some friends insisted on bringing me the first season while I was in the hospital, and I've really enjoyed what I've watched of that so far, too!
Ally McBeal- Old, old love (that makes me feel old- it's been off the air for almost 10 years)- It hasn't been released in the US, which bugs me to no end, since it was my favorite show when I was in high school. On a whim, I tried ebaying it early December, and found it had been released in both England and Japan! The UK version is not compatible with our DVD players, but the Japanese version was compatible with both kinds, AND was in English, AND has English subtitles (important for me, being hearing impaired)!! Andy got it for me for Christmas, and I've watched A LOT of it. All five seasons were released, and I've gotten through the first season.
So that's it!