Why, hello there. Yes. I am still here. I kept the blog out of a hopeful feeling I would update again someday. I'm really happy right now, as my love for crafting is back in full swing. I'm mainly crocheting, but don't feel burnt out on knitting either. I did make a few things in 2008, mostly Christmas decorations, like snowflakes, and a cute Santa ornament I've made before. Other than that I draw a blank on what I worked on early in the year. Around Christmas, I started an afghan for my dad. I unfortunately didn't get to finish it in time for Christmas, as I have been extremely ill. I had an operation called a splenic embolization. Basically, they killed 80% of my spleen while still in the body. I can't have surgery as I'm in end stage lung disease, so I had to get the operation instead. Let's just say I am grateful for morphine, no matter how stupid and useless it makes me. I had this done in November, but am still recovering (and went back in the hospital on January 2nd, as I'm very underewight and still in pain). BUT, I am improving, slowly but surely. In the meantime, I've had to put aside Dad's afghan to start a baby afghan for a baby shower on February 1st. EEP- an afghan in a month! It's the first time I've tried with such a tight deadline (tight for me).
Other things: I am happily reading again! I haven't read much in the past years since high school ended. I re-joined a website called BooksFree, which is like a book version of Netflix. I already have over 100 books in my queue. Currently while I wait for the BooksFree order to come in, (The Pilot's Wife, and The Reader) I'm reading an old favorite that I haven't read in many years, A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving.
Now to show you the projects.
Dad's afghan is from a Leisure Arts book called 40 Favorite Ripple Afghans to Crochet, and I *think* the name of the pattern is Tantalizingly Teal. It's something teal. My book is at home since I memorized the pattern. It sits in my hospital room and waits to be picked up again. I didn't do a gauge swatch, so it's a lot tighter than it should be, but that's fine, because it'll keep Dad nice and warm.
The baby afghan is for my friend Steph's friend. She's a nice girl named Colleen, and we're slowly becoming friends. She treats my friend Steph like gold, so I love her for it. I hope the baby afghan will cement the new friendship. It's from Leisure Arts as well, Just Ducky Baby Afghans. It's also a ripple. Ripples are awesome.
Technorati Tags crochet,afghans
It's good to hear from you but I'm sorry you've been so ill. Lovely ripples - I love your Dad's afghan!
Posted by: Bron | January 22, 2009 at 08:35 AM
you're back! but i'm so sorry that you've been so sick.
the afghan looks great!
i'm glad you pop in every now and again to let us know how you're doing.
Posted by: maryse | January 23, 2009 at 07:27 AM
I am so happy to hear from you! The afghans look great.
Posted by: Tiffany | January 26, 2009 at 02:59 PM
Hang in there! Hope you're able to get some weight on and pain gone soon! Both of those stink, together, ugh!
The afghans look great. The good thing about baby blankies is that they go fast! I think it's great that you're making it for a new friend. I received a baby quilt when my daughter was little from a remote friend, and every time I used it I thought of her. We soon became much closer.
Thanks for checking in, let me know if you need a care package of yarn or pizza or brownies sent to the hospital. I'd love to do it! Ravel or email with details and it'll be on its way.
(KnittingVirgin on ravelry)
Posted by: Christine | January 29, 2009 at 01:41 PM
To those of you who might come across this blog.
Jenn, aka Findingher lost her battle with CF on Feb 6.
Here family is obviously realing and would no doubt appreciate your thoughts & prayers.
a cf friend.
Posted by: A Friend | February 07, 2009 at 01:07 PM
to jenn's family. i'm so sorry for your loss. and so saddened that someone so young had to suffer so much. even though i never met her in person, i thought about her often. i will miss her.
i wish you strength in this difficult time.
Posted by: maryse | February 10, 2009 at 07:05 AM
Jenn was an amazing friend. Always proud of her CF friends who were doing well and asking us to pray for those who were struggling. She was funny, wicked smart and a joy to know. I love her and will miss her greatly.
I hope her mom, dad and sister know how much she loves them and how much they mean to her. The little dog with the sweaters, too.
Mr. Andrew, you made her happy beyond words. Her home was with you and the kitties. All she wanted was to be with you.
I am so sorry that she is gone, but I am thankful that she is no longer fighting for every breath.
Posted by: Cookie | February 10, 2009 at 12:29 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm also praying for Jenn but, somehow, I don't think she'll need them as I can't imagine her having gone anywhere but straight into the arms of God. The world was very lucky to have had her.
Posted by: Marie | February 11, 2009 at 04:40 PM
To Jenn's friends and family,
I'm so so sad to hear this horrible news. Even though we never met, I knew her online for several years and always prayed for her recovery. She was creative, talented, kind and, above all, BRAVE. Please know that she is in our hearts.
Posted by: carrie m | February 12, 2009 at 06:08 PM
To Jenn's friends and family,
You are all in my prayers. Jenn was a wonderful person, and I was always inspired by her strength even though I never met her in person. She will be missed.
Stacie (FaeryCrafty)
Posted by: Stacie | February 13, 2009 at 02:36 PM
To Jenn's friends and family, she was such an inspiring woman. I am a mom of a young boy with CF and Jenn always had good info and supportive words for me. I enjoyed her posts, her love of life showed through so well here.
God bless,
Posted by: Christine | February 18, 2009 at 02:45 PM
i'm so sorry to hear this, as i've just found her today and was absolutely delighted (am delighted) with her posts and patterns! even in her absence she is still contributing and delighting those that read her. i am making her dad's afghan for a friend...
Posted by: jo | April 14, 2009 at 08:21 PM
I'm so sorry to read this, she seemed like such a lovely person.
Posted by: Jen | September 04, 2009 at 04:09 PM