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I know this is easy for me to say, but Mike didn't die so that you could have the money or meds. It's always tragic when people die, devastating, and painful, but this is what he would have wanted and since things happened they way they did it makes sense to follow his wishes. It's exactly the same as with transplants, people don't die so that we can live, people just die, and sometimes something good can come out of the bad. I think it's okay for it to feel heavy though, it's okay to feel sad and upset when a friend has died... I feel for you, and I hope that you can turn this into something positive, something you can draw strength from (if you haven't already reached that point). I'm thinking about you.


i'm sure that you'll make mike and his family proud. and the best way for you to do that is to get healthy.

let me know how i can help.


They are already proud of you, sweetie. Trust me.


I know you will make them proud. You're in my thoughts.

Laura Bullins

If you end up at Duke let me know -- in a few months I'll be moving to Chapel Hill which is only about an hour away from Duke. We will have to get together to knit and wedding plan (my wedding planning will be OVER by then, thankfully, so we can focus on yours!)

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