This is semi-knitting related.
In my hometown of Uxbridge, part of the Blackstone Valley, there used to be a lot of large mill businesses. Bernat Mills was one of them, and is still based here, by PO Box only as far as I can tell, but the mills they used are still here of course. The mills in recent years, have been used to house a lot of small businesses. Over the weekend, the mill burned down unfortunately. It had become a pretty cool place, and well, anything fiber related is cool to me, even if it only USED to be fiber related. There was an article in the Boston Globe about it, and you can read here if interested. Pretty much, a lot of small business owners were devastated, as it took 23 fire departments to even put the damn fire OUT. We drove by today to see, and it was weird seeing that mill that's been down the street from my house burned down like that- the state police were there with huge trucks, apparently investigating.
That is sad :(
Posted by: Stacie | July 25, 2007 at 01:04 AM
i haven't gone to see it yet. is the mill gone gone?
Posted by: maryse | July 25, 2007 at 07:18 AM
i heard about that on the news. at least no one was hurt, right?
Posted by: carrie m | July 26, 2007 at 09:05 AM