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sweetie, i'm so sorry that you've been so ill. please take care of yourself. i'm thinking good thoughts.


I wondered what had happened to you. I'm SO sorry things have been so miserable. Like Maryse, I'm holding good thoughts that things will steadily improve.


Jenn, I'm so glad that hear that you are okay now. What a frightening time you must be having facing the unknown. My prayers will be with you and your loved ones.

~~Anna (formerly Luvtocraft)


You are so lucky that I can stalk you across the intranets. And thanks for the reminder. I need to find yarn to go with the fun fur for those slippers. :p

Love you, Jenn. *hugs*


I've been wondering how you've been--I'm sorry you're having such a rough time. Hoping things keep getting better for you...

carrie m

jenn, i'd been wondering where you were, but i figured that you would tell us in good time. i can't even imagine what the past few months have been like, and I also can't imagine how overwhelming the next few months are going to be. please pop in when you can to tell us how you are, and we'll be thinking of you. (by the way, you look FABULOUS in that picture!

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