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carrie m

thank you for such a wonderful, thoughtful post. i'm so, so glad that geoff and dee are both ok. (you too look lovely in the pics, by the way.) and i love your lung cake story -- sometimes you need a sick sense of humor. happy new year!

Siow Chin

Your dropped stitch scarf looks really cool! I think it looks much better than a solid coloured one. And thanks for telling us the very touching story of Dee and Geoff. Here's wishing you a fabulous new year!


i love your lung stitch markers. it's a little sick, but i think it's great that despite so much that you have to go through with your disease, that you still manage to have a sense of humor about it. i guess that's a prerequesite.

here's to your good health, and the continued good health of your friends.


I also thank God for unanswered prayers. He always knows the right ones to answer. What a wonderful post. It brought tears to my eyes. Hugs to you and your friends.


Wow - what a great post, and one that really resonates with me. Thanks for sharing the transplant stories of your best friend and Geoff. Sometimes it's too easy to forget that we have *so* much to be thankful for.

Oh - and the manos scarf? Love it!

Best to you and yours in 2006!


Great, great post. Sucessful organ transplants are a welcome miracle at any time of the year, but more so at christmas. May you all be enjoying lung cake for many more christmas eve eve's.

Bookish Wendy

When I was younger my best friend's brother was killed in a horrible car accident. He was 16 years old. His family donated his organs. His parents, family and friends took an enormous amount of comfort knowing that their loss was someone else's (or possibly more than one person's) new life. It makes his memory richer for some reason.

I personally think that it's awesome that you all celebrate in such a quirky fun way. I would love to know that when I pass on my organ's will be used to inspire random joy in the lives of others.

You go girl.

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